We know where to open the accounts for AGI traders who value flexibility and control over their costs and execution, so your strategy shapes your account details.
Sign up to receive a free consultation (up to 30 minutes) on the types of accounts that best fit your financial plan.
We provide free demo accounts with real-time quotes so you can practice investing and trading. We also run prop contests on demo accounts.
Dear AGI, if you don't have time to trade stocks yourself, you can invest in investment fund. Our partners accept capital from $20 000.
Fund portfolio results for 2 years
$ 500 000
Fund #1 formed
$ 1 000 000
Fund #2 - forming a list of investors
If you know how to trade stocks, we can give you capital to manage. How to do it:
Get capital in management
Send statement track record for 3 months
and a description of your strategy. We will validate it and invite you for an interview.
Win the competition
Pass the proptrading selection program
We teach you to understand the industry deeply, and to be able to monetize your knowledge and understanding.